Hi, I’m new here as of today. Have numerous rare/vintage bamboo rods. Question: I have an Edwards Quadrate #35 8’6” 2 pc fly rod with 2 tips-blanks. One tip is 3” shorter than the other. Ferrules and tips look great. Bought these at auction with other rods in a lot. Any ideas on value or collectibility of this rod. Any information would be appreciated. Thank! (See photos)
Bill Edwards Quad, not sure how you can tell it's a 35? Rod seems completely stripped of finish , markings, and guides. 8.5 ft . one tip short a couple inches. if cane and ferrules are all good maybe $200.
Thanks! The rod tube says #35. I bought it from an estate in a ‘lot’ with other bamboo rods. The 4 sections are blanks. Just the tips. No guides. Appreciate the info