jerry Hamza

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jerry Hamza


Post by bob2935 »

Really enjoy Jerry's two books. Just reread "the Outdoorsman" in his first book. If you have not purchased Jerry's books you should give them a try.. Loves cane, hunting and relates his views and life experiences in such a positive and funny fashion. Interesting guy for sure. Being the manager for George Carlin had to be an experience. Bob

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Re: jerry Hamza


Post by GerardH »

There was a thread or two a couple years ago reviewing Jerry's The Zen of Home Water, which I very much enjoyed and recommend. He posts here very occasionally as "brooktrout boy", I need to look up his other title(s).

On a personal basis, Jerry seemed like a very likeable, personable fellow...he wrote about being a cancer survivor, I hope this finds him in good health.

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Re: jerry Hamza


Post by Caneghost »

His books were very good. I was in contact back when he was about to release Zen, and we tried to get together for some Catskill fishing. Weather changes kept putting off dates being spring, and then he went silent. I hope his health is good now and he simply lost patience with the vagaries of a Catskill spring.
...a wink of gold like the glint of sunlight on polished cane...

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