SOUTH BEND Fly Rod Catalog Listings, 1924-1954

Question and answers concerning makers and manufacturers of bamboo fly rods.

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Re: SOUTH BEND Fly Rod Catalog Listings, 1924-1954


Post by PohoWayne »

Thank you for the South Bend Catalog listings. I was able to identify what I bought. I have a 59-9' that is indicated as Bass or Steelhead action so it may not fit well with my small trout stream fishing. My question is what modern line weight would be appropriate for this rod? The catalog indicates C-HCH-GBF in one year and D-HCH in another.

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Re: SOUTH BEND Fly Rod Catalog Listings, 1924-1954


Post by wrong66 »

Probably a 7 wt.

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Re: SOUTH BEND Fly Rod Catalog Listings, 1924-1954


Post by wrong66 »

Thanks to member SteveQ.CA who has taken the time to create a master chart of all South Bend bamboo fly rods from 1924-1954, listing details of all reel seats, grips, windings, hardware, sizes, weights and years of production. An easy reference that was gleaned from all the catalog listings in this thread. A rather massive undertaking, that can be seen below. Thanks, Steve.





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Re: SOUTH BEND Fly Rod Catalog Listings, 1924-1954


Post by jeffkn1 »

South Bend rod section specifications

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Re: SOUTH BEND Fly Rod Catalog Listings, 1924-1954


Post by Shipman »

very cool-thanks for your help

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Re: SOUTH BEND Fly Rod Catalog Listings, 1924-1954


Post by Warezo »

I really enjoyed looking at your catalog photos however, I did not find the rod I'm looking for.

Can you identify this South Bend Casting Rod to model and original length?


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Re: SOUTH BEND Fly Rod Catalog Listings, 1924-1954


Post by cemorrowsr »

I have a South Bend bamboo fly rod that was given to my late husband by his father when my husband was about 15 years old. My father-in-law purchased it from LL Bean, and had fished with it for years. The label on the case is so worn I can't read all the information. It appears to be number 290, 7-1/2 ft. long, four pieces. My guess is it would have been purchased in the 30's or 40's. Bean tells me they do not have records back that far, thus they cannot help dating it.

Would any of you gentleman know anything about this rod? It is in very good condition. Both my father-in-law and my husband were very meticulous about their hunting and fishing equipment. It would have been used on trout streams in western North Carolina.

Any information will be appreciated as as my husband wanted it passed to our grandson when he is older.

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Re: SOUTH BEND Fly Rod Catalog Listings, 1924-1954


Post by bioprofsd »

The 1939 and 1940 catalogs have the same color design, only with the yellow and red colors reversed. I have one of each, but they are both copyrighted 1939. Is one of these actually for 1940? How do you tell which one is for 1940?


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